Windows 10 OS on small tablets

The Problem

I have been searching for a solution to a specific use case for months now. My daughter rides horses. I take a LOT of pictures...of her and other riders at our barn (it's a horse thing)...especially at horse shows (which last for days). Well, people really like to see the pictures. And showing those on a camera, or even a phone kind of sucks.

Potential Solution

Get a small tablet....easy right?  Now, since it's a horse show, and I'm not made of money...I don't want to spend a lot of money on a solution, so iLemming stuff is out. I did my research and found an android tablet for $120 that seemed to work pretty well....the LG v520 8 inch tablet. Got it on Amazon. that was was's even got a full size USB port which made transferring pictures off the camera super easy...

New Problem

Or rather, a new requirement to the original use case...I had this great idea to bring a TV and display the, have a running slide show. That way, I can run around taking pictures, go back to the home base and drop them on a tablet that is constantly running a slide show. How awesome would that be?! turns out its not that easy on an android tablet. No wifi at the show so chromecast is out. Few inexpensive android tablets have MHL capability, so that's out....

Wut Wurx

Now this is totally untested, but I'm pretty sure it's going to work. I found a Windows 10 tablet for $70. The NuVision TM800. Now there are two models out there...make sure you get the one with the Z8300 processor and not the older z3735. This puppy has a killer's not the fastest thing in the world, but it's usable. AND...AND....AND!!!  it has a micro-HDMI port! problem friggin' solved!

I'll tell you something....getting the thing configured (I basically set it up like my Surface) ... I put it in Tablet know...I kind of like it. the control you have over the experience is 10,000x more fine than on any Android tablet. multitasking, built right in...windowed apps...done...Now, you're not going to play games on this thing. But I'm old...ish, I'm over that. I want to surf, look at pictures, make some easy changes, check my email and schedule...that's about it.

And for $ just can't beat this thing.

I'll update this and let you know as I use it more....but I'm telling you...

Wut Wurx?....Windows 10 on a small tablet does....that's wut wurx.


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